There is a 15 minute grace period, charged with a $20 late fee. If the client does NOT arrive within 15 minutes, I may reschedule them for another time depending on the schedule that day.
The client must reschedule within 24 hours after the missed appointment. We understand life has some bumps in the road but we must respect everybody's time and appointment slot, so the deposit will remain non-refundable even if there is an emergency.
Rescheduling can happen within a total or 2 times within 1 month of original booking date. The 3rd time will require a new deposit.
Do NOT book with me if you're very picky about your brows, please trust in me. My goal is to enhance what's already there and try to make the eyebrows as symmetrical as possible.
The client may come in with a desired look or shape of the brows, but the brow artist has the client's best interest when it comes to creating a beautiful set of brows.
Only the client is allowed inside the procedure room, NO KIDS allowed.
The brow artist has the right to refuse any client if necessary and is allowed to keep the non-refundable deposit fee.
If the client did NOT read through the policies on the website and ends up being ineligible for the procedure, the appointment is immediately cancelled and the deposit remains non-refundable.
No Call/No Show will be charged for the full price of the procedure.
If you're booking an appointment for somebody else, please enter the client's information down, not yourself.
A card on file and a deposit of 30% of the service is required in order to schedule an appointment.